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Arma 3 respawn script

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In Arma 3, the handle is also available inside the spawned script in _thisScript variable. code: Code Return Value: Script Handle - can be used to determine (via scriptDone (also via isNull in Arma 3)) when the spawned script has finished. If you need such guarantee, use BIS_fnc_spawnOrdered function Groups: Program Flow Syntax Syntax: arguments spawn code Parameters: arguments: Anything - arguments passed to the script, which later available in _this variable inside the script. Paste the script in the box and then click OK. Right-click on the box and then go to attributes. However the 'not damaging things around them' part is where I'm struggling. The first parameter is pretty easy in theory, call BISfncmoduleLightning whilst player is invincible in the eventhandler for respawn and turn it off after running the module. To fix this, open or create a description.ext file in your mission’s folder. When multiple Code is spawned in an order, there is no guarantee that the spawned Code will also execute in the same order. Well here’s the arsenal script for Arma 3: If you want a remote or long-distance arsenal script: If you want to know how to set this up, search for the object: Supply Box. Going for a Thor entering from the Bifrost kind of feeling. When playing as Zeus in an ARMA 3 user made mission, you may have found that dropping a respawn module doesn’t work for human players.